B3acon helps you place locations and times on the map and share them with your friends.
Create a b3acon, post it to social media and invite anyone you want.
You can use it to meet up with one or many and see which way to head.
If conditions change, you can quickly and easily edit your b3acon details and all the participants are updated live.
Coordinate with others in each b3acon’s chat channel.
B3acons marks a time & place and lets everybody know where and when.
People have used b3acons to:
• show where that great restaurant is.
• locate a daughter when her car has broke down.
• show people where the after party is.
• figure out what restaurant is in the center of everyone meeting for lunch.
• play hide and seek.
• organize a flash mob birthday party.
• steer people during a progressive dinner.
• find the car after the parade.
• direct the pub crawl.
• find each other in the mall.
Actively participation in an event will run GPS in the background.
Continued use of GPS running in the background can dramatically decrease battery life.